’Today I thank God, as He put the Doctor on our path’

There is no more effective novena then this one: Oh Jesus, I surrender myself to you, take care of everything! This simple and truly meaningful prayer accompanies me every day. With those words in my soul I was giving birth to my son.

Thanks to God, Antek appeared under my hearth at Christmas 2012 and thanks to God, he safely and luckily came to our world on the day of Padre Pio, September 23rd, 2013. When I look back onto those circumstances and the fact that after six difficult years of infertility treatment I conceived, it is impossible not to believe that it was God’s gift. Our miracle. Looking back, I can see that this whole time he was leading us on this tough path called infertility. The only thing I could do then was prayer to God, so he let us become parents. Although after each failure it was really hard to say the words of the easiest prayer – Lord’s Prayer, I couldn’t stop. Despite the tremendous sorrow and pain in heart, misty-eyed – I kept on praying.

I can’t say, that during that time I didn’t have a moment of doubt, that I didn’t feel anger and despair. But after those moments of weakness, I came back to Him again, because I knew that He is my or our only hope.

Before we came to your Naprotechnology Clinic, we were tempted with in-vitro at a special price. We weren’t given a choice, we were left with no hope, when after another insemination the doctor told us  that other attempts were useless. We must try in-vitro. We were placed in a convenient box “unexplained infertility” and left alone. But I was against that with all my heart. Now I think, it was a test. We refused and left the doctor’s office (another one) with no idea yet what to do next.

Various signs were leading me to Naprotechnology – an article in the Internet, news on TV, information from friends. Again and again I was coming across the word “naprotechnology” and I knew that it was the path I should try. I’m glad that I trusted my heart again. Although those two years I spent under your care were sometimes tough, we finally felt that we were in good hands and that you really wanted to help us.

Today I thank God that he put Doctor on our way. In December 2012, when we came for another monitoring, we decided that we were giving ourselves that one month, because we were really tired with the treatment. I don’t know what we would do next if it didn’t turn out that I was pregnant. I don’t even want to think about that. I just thank God that this happened.

That time my rosary started to break. Then I didn’t understand that. Only the positive pregnancy test and the first ultrasound showing us our little point in my belly helped me realise what had happened. I have clipped the rosary with a tiny pin and I won’t change it for any other. And when my son grows up enough to understand, I will tell him what miracle he is. Even now I tell him to his ear that he is a God’s gift and how great honour it is to be his mother.

When I was pregnant I promised God I would do everything, so that Antek would become a good, loving person and close to Him. It is not an easy commitment, but I hope that with my husband we will rise to the challenge. The first step on this path was Antek’s baptism celebrated at Christmas 2013 as an expression of our gratitude to God for the miracle that had occurred exactly one year earlier. When Antek showed up in our life, we were completed as a couple and family. I am tremendously happy and every night I thank for another day we have spent together and I still say “God, take care of us”. Thanks to that I fall asleep calm.