Our Little Miracle

Miracle. What a beautiful word. For some people it remains unknown, while for others it is very familiar. Sometimes it affects many people who don’t even realise that they witness it. I am not among them, as I’m absolutely certain that there was a miracle in my life – her name is Faustyna.

When I was 16, I got a period, but not for long. After only one year of menstruation, the problems began. My period was getting less frequent, once in half a year, then once in a year and finally it completely disappeared. From that time, nightmare began. I started seeing doctors and undergoing tests, which were terrible. FSH was even 110! No one knew what the reason was. I was stuffed with hormonal drugs. When I was taking them, a bleeding appeared, but as soon as I put them away, it would stop.

When I was 20, I had ovarian laparoscopy performed. After that, the doctor  performing the procedure said to me that he was sorry but I could never have children, because my ovaries did not work. And even worse, they were almost invisible, just like they had shrunk. It was terrible. I couldn’t believe that – I was dreaming about a family full of children. I was asking myself: why me? I was left with no hope for upturn and was fading out. The only hope was God.

At the age of 24 I married a wonderful man who fell in love with me just the way I was. He accepted my infertility – in fact, he was giving me strength to fight and hope. My husband and I visited one half of Poland and every doctor was saying that our only chance is in vitro. We could not accept that, because it was in conflict with our faith.

After 1,5 year of marriage, facing doctors and their diagnoses, we came to dr. Tadeusz Wasilewski’s clinic that specialises in naprotechnology, that is a natural infertility treatment rejecting in vitro. The doctor ordered tests, which also confirmed that the situation was really bad. He faced such a case for the first time but he didn’t send us back home with nothing. He left a small light of hope. He gave us faith in God and his mercy. He reminded us that for God the impossible does not exist, we only had to firmly believe.

In the clinic, the instructor acquainted me with the Creighton Model that is based on a precise observation of the menstrual cycle and filling in the special chart. Doctor Wasilewski prescribed me necessary tablets, although he knew that from the medical point of view I had no chance to be conceive. I went on gluten-free and sugar-free diet. I also started to look for solace in prayer. The rosary was my everyday conversation with the Holy Mother. I was asking Her for mercy and for intercession to God for His grace to help us have a baby.

I was also praying to the Blessed Pope John Paul II, Saint Faustyna and the Holy Mother from Pompei. Deep in my heart I believed that the Holy Mary wouldn’t leave us in need and that she would intercede for us. I wasn’t wrong. In September, after a half year of treatment in Dr. Wasilewski’s Clinic and our devotion to the Holy Mary, I finally conceived. My FSH score was 20. I got this information on the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, October the 7th.

It was the most beautiful day in my life. My happiness was boundless, but I was also afraid if I was able to keep the baby. It turned out that my fears were unnecessary, because our baby was under the best care of the Holy Mary all that time. The whole pregnancy was running smoothly and test results were very good. In June I gave birth to a healthy, beautiful girl, who is a joy of our lives. She is the most wonderful treasure that God has given us.

Today, when we look at our little daughter, we know that we look at God’s Miracle. God has given us evidence of his existence, although we have never doubted about that.

Prayer can really make a miracle. The Holy Mary never leaves anyone  who is in need, because she is our Intercessor, our wonderful Mother. We only have to deeply believe and confide our matters in her, and with time the impossible will become possible.

‘Oh, Holy Mary, if the whole world knew, how good you are, how much mercy for suffering people there is in you, every creature would look for you’

Sometimes I wonder, if God wanted to verify our faith. Didn’t he want to see if we would leave him or stay with him in those tough moments? If we would accuse him of our failures? This story has moved us closer to God. Eventually, he has given us such a wonderful Miracle, for which we will thank him for the rest of our lives.