‘Our beloved, long awaited son was born healthy and beautiful’

First of all, we would like to thank doctor Wasilewski for leading us through a very tough time, when we were unsuccessfully trying to conceive. Thank you so much. We hope God will bless us with more children – being pregnant is wonderful, just like being a parent. Read more

’Today I thank God, as He put the Doctor on our path’

There is no more effective novena then this one: Oh Jesus, I surrender myself to you, take care of everything! This simple and truly meaningful prayer accompanies me every day. With those words in my soul I was giving birth to my son. Read more

Our Little Miracle

Miracle. What a beautiful word. For some people it remains unknown, while for others it is very familiar. Sometimes it affects many people who don’t even realise that they witness it. I am not among them, as I’m absolutely certain that there was a miracle in my life – her name is Faustyna. Read more