‘Our beloved, long awaited son was born healthy and beautiful’

First of all, we would like to thank doctor Wasilewski for leading us through a very tough time, when we were unsuccessfully trying to conceive. Thank you so much. We hope God will bless us with more children – being pregnant is wonderful, just like being a parent.

We have been married since August 2009 and from the very beginning we wanted to have children – we never used contraception. Months were passing and we couldn’t conceive a baby. Because I am a doctor, I started extended diagnostics very quickly: I found  the best gynaecologists in our city and  began taking detailed notes about my cycles.  The results of me and my husband were beyond reproach. Nobody wanted to take a look at my notes. Everyone was telling us ‘to chill out, to stop thinking about that and to go somewhere.

Years were passing by. Our  friends all around us were enjoying new lives that were growing under their hearts. New babies were coming and we were becoming more and more upset. We started to isolate ourselves from friends and family, because their happiness reminded us painfully of our anguish – infertility. My gynaecologist started to stimulate my ovulation. He must have done it out of helplessness, as I had my natural ovulation in every cycle. After a few months a big cyst appeared on my ovary. I needed a surgery. After the operation, the doctor told me that I had endometriosis and if another surgery was needed, I wouldn’t have children. Those words were really painful for me and they remained inside me, especially that I was given no suggestion of treatment. There was no advice whatsoever, so the situation didn’t  improve. I felt more guilty, because I couldn’t have children. I couldn’t give them to my husband. I was feeling so defective and incomplete. Today, I am appalled by how my colleagues, doctors, can say things that may hurt, words that may sound like sentence.

Then one day I heard about naprotechnology, so I started to search for more information about it. That way I came across the Napromedica website. Bialystok – very far from our home… We were not sure. Is it worth it? Can we manage this logistically? How will our employers react to the absences? Nevertheless, I knew, I would do absolutely everything I can to finally diagnose the problem and try to solve it, so that I could become a mother.

My husband called Dr. Wasilewski and made an appointment for the first visit. We would come to Bialystok once in 3-4 months for almost 2 years. During that time we were thoroughly examined, we learnt how to observe my cycles with the Creighton Model. For 8 months my diet was gluten-free, dairy-free and egg-free – it was really hard, I was hungry all the time (so often I was angry too); however, I got rid of cellulite and became more weightless and fresh. You always have to see the bright sides.

Despite all those efforts, there was no Baby… From the beginning of our attempts,  we were led by the thought: ‘Anything you do, do it like it was up to you, and pray, like it was up to God’. I started to say the Rosary Novena. I managed to complete it. Finally, the Doctor decided that I should undergo laparoscopy and diagnostic hysteroscopy. I was afraid of another procedure, besides, I still had in my mind what our previous doctor had told us. However, we decided to undergo this surgery. This time, the surgeon said: ‘Now everything should be fine. The cause was eliminated. I am not giving you 100% of guarantee, but I think, that you will conceive shortly’. After almost 6 years of efforts, pain and crying during every period, we treated those word with wariness. We weren’t able to believe and be disappointed again. However, the small light of hope showed up…

For 28 days after the surgery, I was taking Visanne. Then we could start a try once again. After getting off the drug, the period was supposed to come back in 4-6 weeks. But it didn’t come back, because … I was already pregnant! Our happiness and disbelief were tremendous! The pregnancy was perfect – in the end I just had a bit higher blood pressure. Our beloved and so long awaited son was born healthy and beautiful. Now he sleeps calmly in his cot after drinking breast milk, which he adores. We love our first-born son very much and we hope that it is not the end of our pregnancy-parental adventure – such a lovely boy has to have siblings.

We would like to persuade everyone fighting with infertility – trust naprotechnology! This is honest medicine that should be practised by every gynaecologist, but unfortunately, it is not. You can be sure that here nobody will hurt your health or fertility. You will be diagnosed and treated with respect and patience – everything will be done honestly and according to the best medical knowledge. I know what I’m saying, both from the patient’s perspectives as I had visited many doctors before coming to dr. Wasilewski, and from the doctor’s point of view – being a doctor who I am and who is scared of the fact, how careful you have to be when looking for the best specialists. I recommend dr. Tadeusz Wasilewski – the gynaecologist, who is worth trusting! We keep our fingers crossed for everybody, who is fighting for his Miracles.